
Our Purpose

Focused on Academic and Holistic Development

Our Purpose

SMART EXCEL is an education company which organize classes and programmes for Pre-Schoolers, Primary and Secondary.

Established since 2011, SMART EXCEL has gained recognizations from parents and media. Through the years, SMART EXCEL has evolved and impacted many lives.

SMART EXCEL begin moderately by Mdm Suhailah Attamimi.
Mdm Suhailah is the author of the Step-by-Step Model Drawing Series. She trains tutors, teachers, parents and students in various heuristics concepts and applications, with the special focus on pupils in their critical year (PSLE).

Our goal is to become extraordinary educators who help change the world to become a better place by developing our young generation capabilities and potential to the maximum.

Approach Those Who Always Strive And Inspire You

The dream of the SMART EXCEL team is to continue to give sincere guidance to see your child’s life change and succeed. Their pledge is to benefit themselves and others in addition to serving with dedication and enthusiasm as warriors. We are truly trained to give you the best and subsequently get the results you want.

Our Goal

The Neflix of student education with 10 thousands subscriber by 2025 – SmartExcel.sg

Our Purpose

Solving student problem with easy access to result-oriented content and trusted solution

Our Core Values


WE build a high performance student by managing talent strategically.

WE uphold truthfulness in our result.

WE develop and build our staff to be our greatest asset.

WE treat others with respect and honour.


WE create industry experts that are leaders in our field.

WE nature, train and educate to build leaders from within.

WE create industry leaders through our entrepreneurial education.


WE inspire, educate & add value to others.

WE strive to achieve excellence for our clients and in everything that we do.

WE understand our values and contribute unconditionally.


WE invest in technology to gain a competitive advantage in our work and field of expertise.

WE learn from experience and promote continuous improvement of our skills and knowledge.

WE embrace diversification to give more value to our staff, clients and community.


WE are committed to provide the best learning solution for our clients.

WE consistently produce proven results.


WE take pride in celebrating in our success.

WE always find excitement in our journey.

WE are serious yet we find enjoyment in everything that we do.

Our Books




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